
Get in touch!


Snail Mail: PO Box 1123, Easthampton MA 01027

(607) 269-7644

Newsletter Information

Every third Wednesday of the month we send out the ACE News – a roundup of important information from the US circus education community. We also send out an AYCOgram which includes only youth circus related events and content. We invite you to subscribe to ACE News below!

Have Circus News You’d Like to Share?

Interested in including your news or events relevant to the national circus community in AYCO/ACE’s newsletters? Send your submissions to by the 7th of each month to be included in our monthly newsletter.

Submission Guidelines

• Submissions should be no longer than 150 words and written in the third person (not using “I” or “we”).

• Please include appropriate links (double check your links), contact information and Instagram handle if relevant.

• Please also indicate if you would like your submission included in the AYCOgram (directed towards youth), ACE News (directed towards organizations and educators), or both.

Visit the American Youth Circus Organization website for all things youth circus!
