Membership is what keeps you connected, engaged, and in the know.
ACE and AYCO memberships ACE memberships (in dark blue) are for educators and organizations, and AYCO memberships (in light blue) are for youth, parents, and supporters. Many of the benefits and resources are shared.
We know that these are challenging times for circus arts educators, organizations, and students. If you would like to become a member but are not able to afford our regular membership fees, sliding scale is available. Please contact and we will assist you!
ACE News Email Newsletter Your go to source for news and updates.
Directory Listing Searchable public database of members for those looking to find you!
Complimentary Linked Individual Professional Memberships Additional professional memberships for your staff.
Discount on Additional Professional Memberships $20 off for your staff's Professional Memberships linked to your organization!
Eligibility for: Event hosting, Safety Network, and Insurance Eligible to host ACE and AYCO events, join the Safety Network, benefit from our Insurance relationship, and get a discount off of Client Management Systems.
Vendor Discounts Discounts from generous vendors.
ACE News Email Newsletter Your go to source for news and updates.
Directory Listing Searchable public database of members for those looking to find you!
Complimentary Linked Individual Professional Memberships Additional professional memberships for your staff.
Discount on Additional Professional Memberships $20 off for your staff's Professional Memberships linked to your organization!
Eligibility for: Event hosting, Safety Network and Insurance Eligible to host ACE and AYCO events, join the Safety Network, benefit from our Insurance relationship, and get a discount off of Client Management Systems.
Vendor Discounts Discounts from generous vendors.
Logo on ACE + AYCO websites
Safety Program Discounts - Save on Safety! 10% off annual renewals, 10% off site visits
ACE News Email Newsletter Your go to source for news and updates.
Directory Listing Searchable public database of members for those looking to find you!
Complimentary Linked Individual Professional Memberships Additional professional memberships for your staff.
Discount on Additional Professional Memberships $20 off for your staff's Professional Memberships linked to your organization!
Eligibility for: Event hosting, Safety Network and Insurance Eligible to host ACE and AYCO events, join the Safety Network, benefit from our Insurance relationship, and get a discount off of Client Management Systems.
Vendor Discounts Discounts from generous vendors.
Logo on ACE + AYCO websites
Logo on Email Newsletters A monthly reminder of your organization in the inbox of 1600 contacts!
Safety Program Discounts - Save on safety! Free annual renewals, 25% off site visit.