Posts by: Tara Jacob

Juggling.TV: An Online Juggling Resource is the largest depository for juggling knowledge in the entire world (after YouTube). was built nearly 11 years ago to give jugglers and circus performers a dedicated place to share their videos, whether that be performing one-off tricks or teaching tutorials. We have had over 22 million views and have our content available…

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Marvin Ong on Juggling and Flow Arts

If you enjoy it, just do it—don’t get caught up too much in what others are doing or not doing. Flow Arts started emerging in the early 2000s; The few people at that time that were leading the culture were Prisna & Sean from Flowtoys, Burning Dan from Flow Temple and Isa from the Temple…

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Jen Crane on Physical Therapy

The lens through which we view information MUST change based on the platform—instagram is NOT a peer-reviewed medical journal, and as such, we must start to be a bit more discerning…and teach our students to do the same!   I’m Jen—a doctor of physiotherapy based out of San Francisco, CA. In my physiotherapy practice, I…

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Catie Brier on Contortion

I want people to focus on preparing their bodies and developing the strength and flexibility needed before trying tricks. I feel everyone will be better if that’s the mentality. Focus on being good rather than looking good.   INTRODUCTION: In recent years, circus has exploded in pop culture and training has become more accessible than…

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Elizabeth Overton on Handstands

I hope that people who are new to handstands will learn in a safe and effective way. I hope the information they get is the kind that will help them reach their potential and keep them healthy and happy. These days, being able to do a handstand is a goal for so many people across…

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Liz Cooper on Safety in Aerial Arts

The number one thing I would like to promote in aerial arts is a willingness to ask questions and seek information, not just for the folks new to aerial arts, but also for long-established professionals. I started the Safety in Aerial Arts page about 4 years ago because I’d found several groups for aerial students…

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Tanya Burka on Aerial Culture

I’d like for the aerial community to really hold on to the idea that we are interconnected and that we need to support a high standard of learning, of safety, and of ethics so that we’re giving young professionals the strongest platform to launch from and create the careers that will continue to inspire everyone…

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